Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Diary of a Retail Worker Dear Diary, my first day at work was very, very stressful. Here I am a woman who didn’t know many of the products my company had for sale. I was introduced to very few of my colleagues and just taken to the register to be trained as a cashier. I was not intimidated by the cash register because I had had a short stint as a cashier at a bank when I graduated many years before. But I was intimidated by the manager who was training me. It was like she was impatient for me to get on with it. I became anxious. It was September. It was starting to get chilly in Chicago but believe me I started sweating. I kept telling myself that I was not going to give up regardless of whatever was going around me. After less than an hour of training I got it and I was on my own. My greatest challenge on this day was how to communicate with my colleagues about products which didn’t have SKU numbers. Many of them I had never seen before. Of course my intonation wasn’t American but British so many of them had a hard time understanding me. In the early days one manager began to pick on me saying often at huddle meetings that “She is too needy.” Meaning that I asked for help at the slightest chance. I had to because as I mentioned earlier I didn’t know that some of the company’s products even existed. As a result, I was put on the back burner. I was never allowed to get into the Guest Service box for a very long time. One day I approached a colleague who seemed very friendly and I asked her, “Dorothy, how can I learn the names of all these products?” She laughed and said, “You can never learn everything in a short time but you could come early every day before your scheduled time and walk around the store and get yourself acquainted with them.” I shook my head in disbelief as I turned around to look at all the numerous different products surrounding me and even though I didn’t really get it, I thanked her and decided to try it out. Dairy, as you may well know I had attended college here in the United States from Ghana, West Africa in the early seventies. I had the privilege of working for the foreign student’s office in my sophomore year and as an office assistant till I graduated. So I had the opportunity of working in this country. I loved my job and the people were very friendly. Living on campus, I was cocooned from any discrimination and the Foreign Student Advisor encouraged me all the time to give my best. Some of my duties were to help in the orientation of new students, compiling the student directory, following up on the new students and helping to solve any problems they were having. It was a great time. I graduated with more than a three point grade point average and got married soon after. My aim was to graduate and go on to my Master’s degree program but life in the form of marriage and pregnancy happened. So I waited for my husband to complete his Master’s program and with our son who was 18 months at the time, left the shores of the United States never thinking of coming back but when the children reached college age, they returned and to make sure we had dollars to pay for their school fees, we all returned. I had worked in several managerial positions the last of which took me around the world. It was a fantastic job but I had to resign and return to join my family. And many times, I’ve had to regret making that decision but I chose family over my profession and then couldn’t get a decent job after I returned when the country had entered a recession. Gradually but surely, I started gaining confidence on the job. I grew to love it but boy, retail stinks! Retail? Not me! Yes diary, it does stink. There was this day when a customer brought a product to the register and had a sticker for a lower amount but without a SKU number on it. I knew it was the wrong amount so I excused myself and went and brought the same type of product with the SKU number on it and showed it to the customer and the following ensued. She was with the daughter and the latter said in anger, “Well, it’s not our fault that the SKU number wasn’t on it. We found it like that.” “I’m sorry but this is the actual price. I can call the manger if you want.” The daughter threw the product at me and replied, “We don’t want it.” From then on, whenever I asked them to continue with prompts during the transaction, I received angry responses. Then to crown it all, after I finished with them and handed the receipt to her, she just snatched it out of my hand and walked away to go and complain to the manager that I had been rude to them. It was a very painful experience for me but I needed this job and could not respond in a way I desired to but watched this girl who was younger than my first child act rudely to me with the mother’s encouragement. The following was what was going through my mind while they were behaving abominably to me. “I could wash your mouth with soap girl. How dare you talk to me like this? You’re not even pretty?” But I was smiling all the time while they kept on at their bad behavior. I think this is what irked them. They thought I was mocking them not knowing that that’s how we have been trained to do. To keep on smiling while taking their nonsense but wait, I think I know why they were so angry. They knew that attaching a $2.97 sticker to a $14.97 product was an attempted robbery. They knew they were guilty and had been caught in their tracks and how dare a black woman tell them they were wrong! I had to defend myself to my manager afterwards because having been in sales for many years, I knew the adage, “The customer is always right!” This always made me sick. Even thieves took the high road when you caught them. Another time, a customer came to me with several items and after I had told her the total amount, she had decided not to buy anything. She was walking away when she turned back and asked for a large shopping bag. This was a red flag for me because she wasn’t holding anything that needed to be bagged. Many customers would ask for an extra bag when they had too many things to carry, even things they did not buy from our store. Again I couldn’t ask her what she needed the bag for because, “the customer is always right.” Yes you got it but I decided to watch out for her since I was closest to the doors. So even though I was busy serving others, my eyes kept darting to the doors then lo and behold, there was this young woman with the bag she had taken from me filled with goods and calmly walking out the door. “Hey, have you paid for those things you are taking out?” I shouted. What do you think she did? She didn’t even turn to look at me but calmly dropped the bag and walked out. The customers at my register were as shocked as I was. You would think my manager would commend me from stopping that thief. Oh no. “You shouldn’t have said anything?” “What? Am I hearing you right?” I asked shocked. “Yes because she could have hurt you. So we don’t encourage that. Just call us on the radio to announce it.” I knew I wouldn’t get anywhere with this so I replied, “Yes ma’am.” And left. I was puzzled. In the first place, I was safe in the customer service box and it was only a woman walking out the door with goods. Hello! But I learned a great lesson which I came across over and over again and was repeatedly drummed into my ears, “After all, the money is not yours.” What? There was this day when another customer brought a product to my register. It wasn’t on sale after I rung it up but she insisted that she had picked it up at another place where there was 40% sale sign up. Dairy, clearly how can you pick up a product from another end of the store which clearly didn’t belong to this other place she was vigorously defending belonged to this other place. She began to scream and shout, so I called the manager. The manager asked me to give it to her for that price she was asking for. After all, it wasn’t my money. You guessed right. That was how many of them behaved. They knew that if they raised a stink, the managers at this store would give in and give them what they wanted and so went on right ahead and misbehaved. What galled me was that those of us on part time always were the ones who always lost out. This was because, our hours depended on how much we made so when we didn’t make the sale for the day, our hours were cut but the managers who had full time jobs would not be affected. It’s a cold world. Yes, a very cold one so they didn’t care giving away company money. I must be fair to some of the managers though. They would not give in but in a very nice way refuse to give in to such blatant thieves. It’s almost Christmas and sales have been picking up tremendously. Thank God that the meager hours I had been receiving since I started working had been increased. It’s been hard trying to figure out how to plan my life financially since the hours have been yo-yoing. If there’s a word like that. As a newbie, if hours are to be cut, I was the first to receive the honor. I remember one day I had only worked 2 hours when I was asked to go home. I couldn’t believe that I had driven almost an hour to work to be told my hours had to be cut. At one time they didn’t even inform me that my hours were going to be cut before I left home. I had arrived at work, put on my radio equipment and my name badge and was walking to punch in when the manager on duty called me. “I’m sorry that you cannot punch in. Unfortunately we wouldn’t need you today.” What? My mind screamed! And you didn’t have the decency to call me before I drove almost an hour to this place? I was boiling inside but I smiled and responded, “It’s alright. I’ll go.” I was hopping mad. Why on earth isn’t a person’s feelings considered before such a decision is made? I began to realize that in retail all the owners and their managers cared about was making money. Dairy, on this day, we were informed that a new vice president with a knack for customer service had come up with a new rule. To say hello to everyone who entered the store else our jobs will be on the line. It would have been a no-brainer but when customers were being bombarded from all sides when they first entered the door, when they were walking down the aisles, when they were trying to concentrate on making decisions about what they wanted to buy as some customers put it. Hello? And do you know how all this started? It was reported that this vice president had visited a store and had not been welcomed by the workers. It had taken her determination to receive a greeting by walking through 2 team members for her to receive this greeting and boom a new policy comes to life. You might think that such whimsical policies as they came to be known would come to an end. Oh no, not by a long shot. It was like the old adage, “New king, new law.” Another policy that was shoved down our throat was “If you can lean, then you can clean.” This meant that there was no opportunity to rest in between guests and since the new policy was to clean, clean, clean, every opportunity was to be made to clean up the aisles and the shelves even though good money was being made to a company of cleaners to wash the floors and the aisles. Granted, they cannot clean all the shelves and behind the registers. When I started working here, cashiers could go to the guest service area, pick out an application for store credit and discount cards for customers who needed them. Then it was changed and everything was locked up. The red tape in getting these out when the manager or a holder of a store key is not near the cash registers can be imagined. It slowed down the checking out process because we had to wait for these privileged few to walk from wherever they were to come and unlock the drawers. The results, customers grew impatient and started complaining. This policy was then overturned. Ho ho ho, another one bites the dust. We were never informed about the reason for the lock up. But then who are we to ask? Then came the policy of asking customers, “How are you? Did you find everything you needed today?” We were asked to stop asking the latter should in case it generated a bad feeling in the mind of a customer who wasn’t satisfied. Well hello, we were the same people who were told to help and encourage customers. So it was changed to, “Just say hello.” This was fine with me, except that I often heard some of these same managers still asking customers whether they found everything they needed. This always confused me but who am I to ask them, “Didn’t you say we shouldn’t say that? Why are you doing it?” In my mind it was a question of doing as I say and not what I do. Aren’t they supposed to lead by example? Then we were asked not to discuss situations within the company in front of customers. I truly understood this because no one wanted to wash their dirty linens in public but I had a problem with managers who were very rude to a team member or correcting a team member in a way that shamed the individual in front of customers. What? Aren’t we human beings with families at home? Are we just numbers to be trampled upon at the whim of an irritable manager? I remember one time when a new team member was promoted as a manager. She decided to use it to ‘bully’ others. She was using the register behind me and I was helping a customer. How she stopped what she was supposed to do in helping the customer at her own register and interfere with my transaction at the time is still beyond me. And you know what she was doing? She tried to correct me on a transaction I knew more about than she did. Eventually she realized it and stopped arguing with me while the customers in line watched in consternation. The next customer at my register was so angry at her and vehemently asked me to report her to my manger. It was hilarious because she had no idea that it was the manager who so badly misbehaved to me. But I received the satisfaction of the manager overhearing her when she walked away. At times, I really wondered whether such people would have done this to a white team member. It was so blatant at times that it was ridiculous. You will hear other team members taking initiatives in doing things by first informing the manager on duty on the radio. But there is this manager who could not bear to hear me make the same suggestions to her. Her responses to me on the radio was just like, “How dare you even think of taking an initiative? You are supposed to be dumb because you’re black and you are even from Africa!” This became so obvious that believe me I used to hear comments to me from my colleagues. As painful as it was, I acted professionally and just shrugged it off but I learned to be careful with her. So one day when I was to close at night with her, I decided not to even attempt to lock the main entrance doors after numerous announcements I had been making to customers to be ready to check out because we were getting to closing time. This was because I had suggested to another team member to lock the doors at 5 minutes to closing, something which I had heard many team members do. But this night when I made that suggestion, she responded with, “That’s not your call, Anna, it’s mine alone.” What? Why didn’t she ever say that to other white team members? What I did wrong was the very fact that I shouldn’t have made that suggestion because………. So on this night after I had made the last but one announcement to customers, the point at which the main entrance doors are locked up, I did nothing and we had a customer walk in at almost 8.53 pm with her daughter and boy did she give us a tough time .She didn’t even bother to make haste to bring her purchases to be checked out even after I had made the last announcement that we had closed. So she walked to a team member for help and I suppose the person had been busy in the process of locking things away ready for closing and she had asked the customer to go and receive permission for her to open up what she had already locked down. I heard the customer and the manager having words over this. Later some of my colleagues asked why I didn’t call someone to lock up the doors. Of course you know my response. I’ve had it with rude managers who had made up their minds not to acknowledge me as a human being. It was very painful. Dear Diary, I hope you are ready to listen to some painful experiences I’ve been having at work. Well after my third year with this company, I decided to apply for the position of a manager. After all I thought I had a Business Administration degree with a marketing major and also had over 20 years experience of management in all forms under my belt. After the interview, the district manager told me that as much as I qualified for the position, I didn’t have the experience. What??? This was the same store I had seen 2 people who didn’t have a degree, who had had no experience in retail and merchandizing and had spent less than 1 year, the policy requirement for anyone to become a manager promoted as managers. When out of curiosity I had asked each one how they got promoted, without fail they both told me they were asked to become managers. But as newbies? Yes I know because I did my homework. I’ve not been a manager and lived and worked in over 18 countries without knowing my stuff but just for a retail manager, I was told I wasn’t qualified. My heart was broken but I am not a quitter. Dairy, I remember when my first novel was rejected 11 times but later became a best seller and it’s now in its 3rd edition. I have also managed to write 3 more novels in addition, the latter of which is going to be a trilogy. Just for your information, I have also published 3 Books for my former non-profit organization who has offices in over 40 countries. But here, I was treated as a dummy who knew nothing. It hurts, yes very badly. I thought this was the country where they said was a land of opportunity. I went to school here and knew but now??? I had applied to many non-profit and for profit organization without success dear Diary when I returned. What do you think was the problem? Was it because I returned when the country was in recession or something else? Anyway, I decided to work harder and make all my hours available to this store for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday since as a part time worker you could only get at least 20 hours a week, that is, if you’re being treated fairly. Well, in my fourth year, I decided to do something about it. I approached the Store Manager and asked him the reason why I had been there longer and yet wasn’t even clocking 20 hours a week. He gave me the run around but even when I reminded him about students still in school, who were there just as a stepping stone to college and further having more hours than I was getting, he asked me to open up my hours. I reminded him that my hours were already opened. He promised to take a look at it. I waited about 2 weeks and reminded him again, eventually I had to go above him to the district manager. My question to this one was, “Doesn’t this company reward its employees for loyalty?” He was aghast at the reason why I was asking and I narrated everything to him. He couldn’t believe it. By the way Diary, this was the open door policy we were required to use if we felt uncomfortable about anything at work and nothing was being done about it. So I was following policy and not being rude or anything. At this point, I was desperate but continued to do my job professionally. So he promised to look into it. The following week my hours were increased. It went on for 2 weeks and then it sank below the hours I had had before. I endured it for another 2 weeks and I called the district manager again. Of course he was shocked again! That was how my hours kept on zig-zagging. Then one of my colleagues pointed out to me that she had seen I wasn’t being trained in other areas. Diary, what this colleague didn’t know was that I had been asking about this matter for years. I would go the operations person and she would lay the blame at the door of the store manager and when I went to him, he would promise to do something about it but had never done so for years. Yes, I watched newbies, including students trained at almost all other areas and of course they received more hours than I did. Diary, what will you call this kind of treatment? Are other people being treated like this? What I discovered was that without wanting to do so, I started thinking about discrimination. Fact is, I met only 2 black women at this store when I started work there but one of them who was also working part time left in frustration. I saw many black women, black men and girls come and go one after the other and eventually I was left with this one woman who opened the store with them and was the only full time black woman still working there. She told me she wasn’t interested in any managerial post and was satisfied even though she sympathized with me often. Dairy, when I realized what was going on, I decided never to leave the store. I realized I was deliberately being frustrated to leave like the other blacks. But I refused to leave, you know why? I have hated injustice since I was a little girl. My father had been a politician and advocate for my country of birth and had even been detained for 7 years for speaking out and his blood run in my veins. The last organization I worked for, a non-profit was into ensuring that the poor and the vulnerable and the so called lower strata of the society and the voiceless got justice. So I was in my element. This organization actually helped me to realize my potential. Through the organization, I became part and co-founder of the Domestic Violence Coalition in that country and through rain or shine, through peaceful demonstrations, had ensured the passage of a bill that was passed into law just before I resigned to come and join my family here in the States. I am still in touch with them, contributing my little quota to their affairs. Dairy, I had studied the policies of apartheid and sympathized with my fellow black people who lived in this country and had suffered years and years of degradation but even though I had sympathized with all these issues, even though I had gone to college here in this country and had lost my first job as a Bank teller because of some kind of discrimination which at the time I didn’t think anything about ‘cos I knew I was never going to live in this country. So Diary, I didn’t really care. But here we are and here I am suffering injustice and cannot do anything about it. Fact is, I have always hated to pull the race card and had vilified those who had done so but little did I know, I was going to suffer emotionally, mentally and physically as I continue to be treated with a smile but stabbed at the back every time. “Et tu Brutus?” Diary do you remember that? It’s the worst form of discrimination where the perpetrator does so in subtle ways always knowing that an open way would result in a law suit. So this is my situation but I will not quit! No, not by a long shot! I know that is what they want but I will refuse to quit! I have a dream, that someday, my case will be heard. Dairy, then another form of abuse began where at store meetings known as huddles, the store manager would go on and on about not being there to make anybody rich. He often said, “I don’t care how long you have worked here, I’m not here to make you rich.” I knew he was speaking about me but I totally ignored him and smiled within me. “Hm, really?” He did this several times but I kept on ignoring him ‘cos I felt that he was goading me to act or do something which he could use as an excuse to fire me. Through all these trials, I must say that I was on first name basis with many many customers. Some would even go out of their way to hug me across the register. One time one woman was at my register and she looked very sad so I asked whether everything was alright with her. She teared up and told me that her best friend had been diagnosed with cancer. I told her I would pray with her and she told me she would be grateful. Then she revealed that her church was also praying and guess what, we happened to be attending the same church and as part of the prayer team in my church, I realized that I had seen the prayer request which had been sent to the team but I had not connected the name of her friend to that request. I was so moved that we both teared up and hugging, I promised to continue to pray for her friend. Then another time, one woman brought certain things to my register and since we’re encouraged to engage with customers, upon asking what she was going to use the stuff for, she told me it was for her daughter who was on admission for treatment for cancer. I empathized with her and all she said was for me to pray for her daughter. Ever since, every time she came to the store whether she came to my register or not, she would come and give me updates about her daughter’s progress. Then once when my husband was on admission and she came to me, I also asked her to pray for me because we had become that close. Diary I must tell you that I had many of such nice women who always made my day. The rude customers were not so many else I would have left the place. What irked me with these rude ones was that the managers always took their side and spoke to you as if you had no rights at all. It hurts! The worst part was when managers would tell you to smile, leave all your problems at home and then they would turn around and treat you like dirt. How on earth did they expect us to be smiling when one is hurting? This was the question I asked myself all the time. In the break room, many team members complained about the snotty attitude of some managers. So when they put up a chart in the break room for us to express our beef, the chart exploded with comments like, “I will appreciate it if some mangers would also leave their problems at home and not yell at us at the slightest chance.” Another wrote, “How am I expected to be nice to customers when these same people aren’t nice to us?” It went on and on and then it became hilarious when at a huddle a few days later, one manager said the chart wasn’t for such things. What? We all turned to look at one another but nobody was bold enough to ask the reason why. They removed the chart and it became a joke among us that we dare not write what we feel so we discussed among ourselves all the time and felt we didn’t need a chart anyway. We shrugged and just moved on. So Diary, the conclusion was that instead of the chart encouraging us to vent out our unhappiness so that the managers change their attitude towards us, we had to suppress our feelings. There was never a time one could sit down with a manager and expressed one’s feelings. We were all so busy busy. It was rumored that the Store Manager who was responsible for dictating how much anyone earned had his own favorites. Someone even asked me to check the hours of such favorites. When hours were being cut, they would be the last to be cut. But it wasn’t like that when I first started working there. To be fair to this first manager, she would cut the hours of newbies first before cutting any others but after she left, everything was turned around; favoritism became the order of the day. Diary, this week, as a matter of fact for the past 3 weeks, my hours have been only 17 then I was called this morning that a whole day had been cut out of my hours and instead of 17, I will have only 12 hours. So when I went to work the next day, my curiosity was peaked. I wanted to see who had replaced me. Lo and behold it was a newbie! Well, I’m getting used to it but clearly I’m not going to quit until things become really bad but dread this because I know the saying, “Quitters never win and winners never quit” is really true. I will really lose hope for blacks in America if I have to leave due to discrimination. Is anyone listening? I hope so.

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